Our alliance for a transformation centre in the middle of Berlin brings education for all, research, culture and common practice for the social-ecological change to the THF site.
– Are you working scientifically for change, active in ecological education, or have a project that can help advance the socio-ecological transformation?
– Are you enthusiastic about the idea of creating a place on Tempelhofer Feld and in the former airport building, where practices and methods of a good life for all can be tested, developed and communicated?
– Are you experienced in campaigning and public relations? Are you well connected to the climate justice movement or other social sectors?
– Do you identify with our principles?
Great! Then come to the next TH&F Café and get on board!
We organise ourselves holocratically. This means that we operate in an ahierarchical way, without a central, grassroots democratic plenum. Working groups work in parallel in their respective areas of responsibility and make autonomous decisions for these areas. A delegate system helps us to ensure the flow of information. We coordinate our actions with each other through feedback loops. This kind of self-organisation is based on empowerment, trust and transparency.
The fact that we don’t have a plenary or something similar that you can just drop in on can be a little irritating at first. We do our best to give you a good overview of our self-organised structure in the cafés, so that we can then consider with you where you can get involved. Because trust, transparency and a benevolent cooperation are the basis of our work together, we will also want to get to know you – we are interested in what drives you and how you want to get involved.
Have a look at the overview of our working groups.